Alexander Technique
Alexander Technique was developed by the Australian actor F. M. Alexander (1869-1955) and has been practiced worldwide for more than 100 years.
With Alexander Technique you learn to recognize and change your habits, reactions and movement patterns. You become more aware of how you use your body and thinking and prevent unnecessary muscle tension. This makes it easier for you to move, reduce stress and prevent pain and injuries.
Alexander Technique is an effective and proven technique to better use the body and mind as a whole.
Alexander Technique is applied to:
- Improving performance in, for example, sports, performing arts and intensive professional practice.
- Relieve pregnancy complaints
- Relieve back, neck and shoulder pain
- Relieve movement complaints and occupational diseases (RSI)
- Reducing (failure) anxiety, stress and nervousness
- Solving concentration and breathing problems (hyperventilation)
The individual lessons are 45 min. If you want to learn more about this technique you can send a message to